Disc Problems

Disc Problems – Treatment Options from Your Belmont Chiropractor

The discs positioned between each of your vertebrae are designed to provide cushioning and allow for flexibility in your spine. Unfortunately, like many components of the spine, your discs are also prone to injury. Whether from an accident, illness or even aging, when one or more discs fail to function properly, you can experience a number of unpleasant symptoms – including back and neck pain. As your Belmont chiropractor, we offer a number of treatment options that can help with your disc problems. Please contact us to learn more!

Chiropractor examining spine with disk problems

Common Disc Issues

Each of your spinal discs is made up of a soft inner layer and a tough outer layer. The discs are supposed to absorb shocks to the spine, protecting the vertebrae from each other and maintaining the overall structure of the spine. However, when a disc stops working correctly, it can lead to pressure on nerves and other issues with the spine.

Some of the most common disc issues we see include:

  • Herniated Discs - A herniated disc is one where the tough outer layer has torn, allowing the softer inner layer to protrude. The inner layer may push out onto nerves in the spine, causing pain, numbness, loss of sensation and other symptoms.
  • Bulging/Ruptured/Slipped Discs - The terms bulging disc, ruptured disc, and slipped disc are often used in place of a herniated disc. Discs do not really move from their positions. Instead, the disc is damaged in a way that allows the inner material to push out from the disc and put pressure on nerves, leading to painful symptoms.

What Causes Disc Problems?

There are three main ways that discs can be damaged:

  1. Accident and InjuryTrauma due to accident or injury can cause damage to the disc. While it can seem obvious that something severe, like a car accident, could damage a disc, sometimes the damage can be caused by something much less noticeable. Discs can be damaged simply by twisting wrong, by slipping and falling, or from some other movement that you would not expect would be so hard on your spine.
  2. Degenerative Disc Disease There are many ways that discs can begin to wear down. Some diseases, such as osteoarthritis, can lead to disc degeneration. Aging can also cause the discs to become less pliant and more likely to tear.
  3. Tethered Cord SyndromeA new discovery by neurosurgeons in Irvine California and in Europe found that herniated discs were only symptomatic when there was a “tightening” inside the spinal column between the spinal cord and the spinal canal. This led to our research in releasing that tension without surgery and is not becoming a fast and effective way to relieve back and disc pain!

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Disc Problems

Chiropractic care can be extremely effective for disc problems. Some of the treatments we offer include:

  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Tethered Cord Decompression
  • Spinal decompression
  • Corrective exercises
  • Nutrition counseling

Chiropractic adjustments can help to correct the alignment of your spine, which can take some pressure off of your discs. Spinal decompression gently stretches your spine, allowing discs to regain their proper shape. And corrective exercises and nutrition counseling can help improve your overall health so you are better protected from further disc issues.

Our goal is to relieve your immediate symptoms, like back and neck pain, and then to do what we can to help your discs heal. We can also help you get stronger so you are less likely to aggravate your disc injury.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

If you are suffering from back or neck pain and you suspect you may have a disc problem, or if you know you have a disc problem and need to get some relief, please contact us at (650) 365-7775 to schedule an appointment. Our team is standing by to provide the treatment you need to heal.

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